All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values
- ANGULAR_VELOCITY_COEFFICIENT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.AngularVelocityCompensation
The angular velocity coefficient.
- AngularVelocityCompensation() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.AngularVelocityCompensation
- Auto - Class in frc.robot.subsystems
Subsystem for the robot's autonomous functionality.
- Auto() - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.Auto
- AutoConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.AutoConstants
- autonomousInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This autonomous runs the autonomous command selected by your
class. - autonomousPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called periodically during autonomous.
- BUILD_DATE - Static variable in class frc.robot.VersionConstants
Date on which the robot program was built in a human-readable format.
- BUILD_UNIX_TIME - Static variable in class frc.robot.VersionConstants
Date on which the robot program was built in unix time.
- centerModulesCommand() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Command to center the modules of the SwerveDrive subsystem.
- CHASSIS - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.PhysicalConstants
Matter representing the robot chassis.
- Climber - Class in frc.robot.subsystems
- Climber() - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.Climber
Creates a new Climber.
- ClimberConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.ClimberConstants
- CONFIG_DIR - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants
Directory that contains the YAGSL configuration.
- configureAutoBuilder(DriverStation.Alliance) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Dashboard
Configures the auto builder using the drivetrain subsystem.
- Constants - Class in frc.robot
The Constants class provides a convenient place for teams to hold robot-wide numerical or boolean constants.
- Constants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants
- Constants.AutoConstants - Class in frc.robot
Constants used to configure the autonomous program.
- Constants.ClimberConstants - Class in frc.robot
Constants used to configure the autonomous program.
- Constants.DrivetrainConstants - Class in frc.robot
Constants used by the
. - Constants.DrivetrainConstants.AngularVelocityCompensation - Class in frc.robot
Angular velocity skew correction configuration.
- Constants.DrivetrainConstants.EncoderAutoSynchronization - Class in frc.robot
Configure auto synchronization for encoders during a match.
- Constants.DrivetrainConstants.Pathfinding - Class in frc.robot
Configure pathfinding to poses.
- Constants.DrivetrainConstants.SysId - Class in frc.robot
SysId configuration.
- Constants.FieldConstants - Class in frc.robot
Constants that describe the physical layout of the field.
- Constants.FieldConstants.Reef - Class in frc.robot
Constants relating to the reef.
- Constants.LoggingConstants - Class in frc.robot
- Constants.OperatorConstants - Class in frc.robot
Constants used to configure the operator controllers.
- Constants.PhysicalConstants - Class in frc.robot
Constants that contain physical information about the robot.
- Dashboard - Class in frc.robot.subsystems
A class that sets up the driverstation dashboard for the robot.
- Dashboard(Drivetrain, RobotContainer) - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.Dashboard
Creates a new Dashboard.
- DEADBAND - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.EncoderAutoSynchronization
Deadband in degrees.
- DEADBAND - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OperatorConstants
Joystick deadband.
- DEBUG_LEVEL - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.LoggingConstants
Log all data above specified level.
- DEBUG_MODE - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.LoggingConstants
Send logging data to NetworkTables.
- DELAY - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.SysId
Delay in seconds between each section.
- DIRTY - Static variable in class frc.robot.VersionConstants
Are there uncommited changes?
- disabledInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called once each time the robot enters Disabled mode.
- disabledPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
- drive(Translation2d, double, boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
The primary method for controlling the drivebase.
- drive(ChassisSpeeds) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Drive according to the chassis robot oriented velocity.
- driveAngularCommand(DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Command to drive the robot using translative values and heading as angular velocity.
- driveAngularVelocity(Drivetrain, CommandXboxController) - Static method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.DrivetrainControls
Converts driver input into a field-relative ChassisSpeeds that is controlled by angular velocity.
- driveDirectAngle(Drivetrain, CommandXboxController) - Static method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.DrivetrainControls
Clones the angular velocity input stream and converts it to a fieldRelative input stream.
- driveDirectAngleSim(Drivetrain, CommandXboxController) - Static method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.DrivetrainControls
A copy of
that pulls rotation from controller axis 2 for use in simulation. - driveFieldOriented(ChassisSpeeds) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Drive the robot given a chassis field oriented velocity.
- driveFieldOrientedAngularVelocityControllerCommand(CommandXboxController) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
- driveFieldOrientedCommand(Supplier<ChassisSpeeds>) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Drive the robot given a chassis field oriented velocity.
- driveFieldOrientedDirectAngleControllerCommand(CommandXboxController) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
- driveFieldOrientedDirectAngleSimControllerCommand(CommandXboxController) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
- driveHeadingCommand(DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Command to drive the robot using translative values and heading as a setpoint.
- DRIVER_CONTROLLER_PORT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OperatorConstants
Controller port index where the driver controller is connected.
- driveToDistanceCommand(double, double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Command that drives the swerve drive to a specific distance at a given speed.
- driveToNearestPoseCommand(List<Pose2d>) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Drives to the nearest pose out of a list.
- driveToPoseCommand(Supplier<Pose2d>) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Use PathPlanner Path finding to go to a point on the field.
- Drivetrain - Class in frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain
Subsystem that controls the drivetrain.
- Drivetrain(File) - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
with the directory provided. - DrivetrainConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants
- DrivetrainControls - Class in frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain
Class that contains utility functions for controlling the
with HID controllers. - DrivetrainControls() - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.DrivetrainControls
- driveWithSetpointGeneratorFieldRelativeCommand(Supplier<ChassisSpeeds>) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Drive with 254's Setpoint generator; port written by PathPlanner.
- DYNAMIC_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.SysId
Time in seconds to run Dynamic routines.
- ENABLE_COSINE_COMPENSATION - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants
cosine compensation
. - ENABLE_HEADING_CORRECTION - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants
heading correction
. - ENABLED - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.EncoderAutoSynchronization
Enable auto synchronization.
- EncoderAutoSynchronization() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.EncoderAutoSynchronization
- end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.drivetrain.LockWheelsCommand
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.drivetrain.LockWheelsCommand
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.RunOnceDeferred
- FIELD_LAYOUT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.FieldConstants
AprilTag Field Layout for the current game.
- FieldConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.FieldConstants
- flipPose(Pose2d) - Static method in class frc.robot.util.PoseUtil
Flips a pose to the other alliance.
- flipTranslation(Translation2d) - Static method in class frc.robot.util.PoseUtil
Flips a translation to the other alliance.
- frc.robot - package frc.robot
- frc.robot.commands - package frc.robot.commands
- frc.robot.commands.drivetrain - package frc.robot.commands.drivetrain
- frc.robot.loggers - package frc.robot.loggers
- frc.robot.subsystems - package frc.robot.subsystems
- frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain - package frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain
- frc.robot.util - package frc.robot.util
- getAutonomousCommand() - Method in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
Use this to pass the autonomous command to the main
class. - getAutonomousCommand(String) - Static method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Auto
Get the path follower with events.
- getFieldVelocity() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Gets the current field-relative velocity (x, y and omega) of the robot.
- getHeading() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Gets the current yaw angle of the robot, as reported by the swerve pose estimator in the underlying drivebase.
- getKinematics() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Get the swerve drive kinematics object.
- getPitch() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Gets the current pitch angle of the robot, as reported by the imu.
- getPose() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Gets the current pose (position and rotation) of the robot, as reported by odometry.
- getPositionLeftMotor() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Climber
Get the position of the left climb motor.
- getPositionRightMotor() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Climber
Get the position of the right climb motor.
- getRobotVelocity() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Gets the current velocity (x, y and omega) of the robot.
- getSpeedLeft() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Climber
Get the velocity of the left climb motor.
- getSpeedRampPivot() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Climber
Get the velocity of the ramp pivot motor.
- getSpeedRight() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Climber
Get the velocity of the right climb motor.
- getSwerveController() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Get the
in the swerve drive. - getSwerveDrive() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Gets the swerve drive object.
- getSwerveDriveConfiguration() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Get the
object. - GIT_BRANCH - Static variable in class frc.robot.VersionConstants
Git branch.
- GIT_DATE - Static variable in class frc.robot.VersionConstants
Git commit date.
- GIT_REVISION - Static variable in class frc.robot.VersionConstants
Git revision number.
- GIT_SHA - Static variable in class frc.robot.VersionConstants
Git commit hash.
- initialize() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.drivetrain.LockWheelsCommand
- isFinished() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.drivetrain.LockWheelsCommand
- isFinished() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.RunOnceDeferred
- isRedAlliance() - Static method in class frc.robot.util.Util
Checks if the alliance is red, defaults to false if alliance isn't available.
- LEFT_CLIMBER_PORT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.ClimberConstants
Port for the left climber motor.
- lock() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Lock the swerve drive to prevent it from moving.
- LockWheelsCommand - Class in frc.robot.commands.drivetrain
A command that locks the wheels of the swerve drive to force it to remain stationary.
- LockWheelsCommand(Drivetrain) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.drivetrain.LockWheelsCommand
Creates a new LockWheelsState.
- LoggingConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.LoggingConstants
- main(String...) - Static method in class frc.robot.Main
Main initialization function.
- Main - Class in frc.robot
Do NOT add any static variables to this class, or any initialization at all.
- MAVEN_GROUP - Static variable in class frc.robot.VersionConstants
Maven group which the robot package belongs to.
- MAVEN_NAME - Static variable in class frc.robot.VersionConstants
Maven package name of the robot package.
- MAX_ANGULAR_ACCELERATION - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.Pathfinding
Maximum angular acceleration.
- MAX_LINEAR_ACCELERATION - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.Pathfinding
Maximium linear acceleration.
- MAX_SPEED - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants
Maximum speed of the robot in meters per second.
- MAX_VOLTS - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.SysId
The maximum voltage to apply to the drive motors.
- OperatorConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.OperatorConstants
- Pathfinding() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.Pathfinding
- periodic() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Climber
- periodic() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Dashboard
- periodic() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
- PhysicalConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.PhysicalConstants
- PoseUtil - Class in frc.robot.util
Utility classes for working with poses.
- PoseUtil() - Constructor for class frc.robot.util.PoseUtil
- postTrajectory(Trajectory) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Post the trajectory to the field.
- publishNetworkTables(NetworkTable) - Static method in class frc.robot.VersionConstants
Publish version metadata to a NetworkTable.
- QUASI_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.SysId
Time in seconds to run Quasistatic routines.
- RAMP_PIVOT_PORT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.ClimberConstants
Port for the ramp pivot motor.
- Reef() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.FieldConstants.Reef
- resetLastAngleScalar() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
The method to reset what the heading control will turn to if no angle is inputed.
- resetLastAngleScalarByAlliance() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Method to reset what the heading control will turn to if no angle is inputed.
- resetLastAngleScalarByAllianceCommand() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Command to reset what the heading control will turn to if no angle is inputed.
- resetLastAngleScalarCommand() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
The command to reset what the heading control will turn to if no angle is inputed.
- resetLastAngleScalarInverted() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Inverted method to reset what the heading control will turn to if no angle is inputed.
- resetLastAngleScalarInvertedCommand() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Inverted command to reset what the heading control will turn to if no angle is inputed.
- resetOdometry(Pose2d) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Resets odometry to the given pose.
- RIGHT_CLIMBER_PORT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.ClimberConstants
Port for the right climber motor.
- Robot - Class in frc.robot
The methods in this class are called automatically corresponding to each mode, as described in the TimedRobot documentation.
- Robot() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Robot
This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be used for any initialization code.
- ROBOT_MASS - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.PhysicalConstants
Mass of the robot in kilograms.
- RobotContainer - Class in frc.robot
This class is where the bulk of the robot should be declared.
- RobotContainer() - Constructor for class frc.robot.RobotContainer
The container for the robot.
- robotPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called every 20 ms, no matter the mode.
- ROTATION_PID_CONSTANTS - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.AutoConstants
PID constants used for rotation.
- RunOnceDeferred - Class in frc.robot.commands
Runs a runnable on the next run of the CommandScheduler.
- RunOnceDeferred(Runnable) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.RunOnceDeferred
Creates a new RunOnceDeferred.
- SCORING_OFFSET - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.FieldConstants.Reef
Offset from the AprilTag from which scoring should happen.
- SCORING_POSES_BLUE - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.FieldConstants.Reef
Poses from which the robot can score on the blue alliance.
- SCORING_POSES_RED - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.FieldConstants.Reef
Poses from which the robot can score on the red alliance.
- setAutoChooser(SendableChooser<Command>) - Method in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
Set the auto chooser
- setChassisSpeeds(ChassisSpeeds) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Set chassis speeds with closed-loop velocity control.
- setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Sets the drive motors to brake/coast mode.
- setSpeed(double, double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Climber
sets the speeds of the climb motors
- setSpeedLeft(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Climber
Set the velocity of the left climb motor.
- setSpeedRampPivot(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Climber
Set the velocity of the ramp pivot motor.
- setSpeedRight(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Climber
Set the velocity of the right climb motor.
- setupPathPlanner(Drivetrain, DriverStation.Alliance) - Static method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Auto
Setup AutoBuilder for PathPlanner.
- simulationInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called once when the robot is first started up.
- simulationPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called periodically whilst in simulation.
- simulationPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
- SparkMaxLogger - Class in frc.robot.loggers
- SparkMaxLogger() - Constructor for class frc.robot.loggers.SparkMaxLogger
- STARTING_POSITION - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants
Starting pose.
- SysId() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.SysId
- sysIdAngleMotorCommand() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Command to characterize the robot angle motors using SysId.
- sysIdDriveMotorCommand() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Command to characterize the robot drive motors using SysId.
- TAG_IDS - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.FieldConstants.Reef
AprilTag IDs for the reef on the blue alliance.
- TAG_POSES - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.FieldConstants.Reef
AprilTag poses for the reef on the blue alliance.
- TELEMETRY_VERBOSITY_DEBUG - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants
YAGSL telemetry verbosity when in debug mode.
- TELEMETRY_VERBOSITY_NORMAL - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants
YAGSL telemetry verbosity when in normal mode.
- teleopInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
- teleopInit() - Method in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
This method is run at the start of Teleop.
- teleopPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called periodically during operator control.
- TEST_WITH_SPINNING - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.SysId
Spin in place instead of driving forward.
- testInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
- testPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called periodically during test mode.
- TRANSLATION_PID_CONSTANTS - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.AutoConstants
PID constants used for translation.
- TRANSLATION_SCALE - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants
Translation axis scaling.
- update(EpilogueBackend, SparkMax) - Method in class frc.robot.loggers.SparkMaxLogger
- USE_IN_AUTO - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.AngularVelocityCompensation
Enables angular velocity correction in autonomous.
- USE_IN_TELEOP - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.DrivetrainConstants.AngularVelocityCompensation
Enables angular velocity correction in teleop.
- Util - Class in frc.robot.util
General utilities.
- Util() - Constructor for class frc.robot.util.Util
- VERSION - Static variable in class frc.robot.VersionConstants
Robot code version.
- VersionConstants - Class in frc.robot
Constants that contain version metadata for the robot.
- VersionConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.VersionConstants
- zeroGyro() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
Resets the gyro angle to zero and resets odometry to the same position, but facing toward 0.
- zeroGyroWithAlliance() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.drivetrain.Drivetrain
This will zero (calibrate) the robot to assume the current position is facing forward
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values