Class and interface names

  • SHOULD be a noun
  • MUST use pascal case
  • SHOULD use full words instead of acronyms
class Robot
class Drivetrain
class Launcher extends SubsystemBase

Method names

  • SHOULD either be a verb or verb-noun combination
  • MUST use camel case
public void periodic()
public void setVelocity(double velocity)

Boolean methods

  • SHOULD use is or has as a prefix before the function name
  • MUST NOT be negated (an example of a negated name would be isNotSpinning)
  • SHOULD ask a question that can be answered true or false
boolean isIntakeLowered() {...}
boolean isFlywheelAtTarget() {...}

Command names

  • SHOULD either be a verb or verb-noun combination
  • MUST use pascal case
public static Command Shoot()
public static Command RaiseArm()

Command methods

  • SHOULD end in Command
    Command raiseArmCommand() {/* A command to raise the arm*/}
    void raiseArm() {/* a function to raise the arm*/}

Variable names


  • MUST be a noun
  • MUST use camel case
  • SHOULD accurately describe the function of the variable without any other context
Motor motor;
double speed;
int velocityRPM;

Boolean variables

  • SHOULD use is or has as a prefix before the variable name
  • MUST NOT be negated (an example of a negated name would be isNotSpinning)
  • SHOULD ask a question that can be answered true or false
boolean isIntakeLowered;
boolean isFlywheelAtTarget;


  • MUST be a noun
  • MUST use uppercase snake case
  • MUST accurately describe the function of the constant without any other context
  • SHOULD be declared with public static and final modifiers
public static final double MIN_BATTERY_VOLTAGE;
public static final int CLIMBER_ID;

Importing classes

The following rules will be follwed by classes imported by VSCode.

  • MUST be listed explicitly
import frc.robot.commands.ResetGyro;
import frc.robot.commands.swerve.TurnToAngle;


import frc.robot.commands.*;

Method / class modifiers

  • MUST be given in the following order
<access> static abstract final

(access aka public, private, etc.)

For example:

public static XBoxController driverController;


static public XboxController operatorController;

Method Order

Methods within a class SHOULD be in the following order.

  • Constructor
  • Periodic
  • Commands
  • Getters
  • Setters
  • Other functions


  • Java classes, methods, and constants MUST have a valid and complete Javadoc entry accompanying them
  • Javadoc entries MUST describe the full function of the object they are documenting, even if the description is redundant with the name of the object
  • Javadoc entries MUST accurately describe the function of any parameters
  • Javadoc entries MUST describe the return type and returned object if applicable
  • Javadoc entries SHOULD include any implementation specifics that might be useful to whoever is using the object
  • Javadoc entries SHOULD be written in sentence case with appropriate punctuation
  • Descriptions of Javadoc annotations like @param and @return MUST be on the next line
  • References to classes MUST be linked to the classes they are referencing to make browsing the hosted Javadoc easier


 * Safely sets the target angle for the arm.
 * @param targetDegrees
 *         the target angle for the arm in degrees
public void setArmTarget(double targetDegrees) {
 * Gets the velocity of the arm.
 * @return
 *         the velocity of the arm in m/s
public double getArmVelocity(){

When you hover over a function with Javadoc anywhere in the project it will apear. Javadoc in VSCode

An example of what the hosted Javadoc looks like can be found here.


  • Code behavior and general landmarks SHOULD be described in comments
  • Contributors MAY decide where and how to use comments, but they SHOULD at least describe enough that someone who hasn’t ever seen the class before can quickly find what they need to change and understand the basic function of the class

Table of contents