Java Cheat Sheet

Java Cheat Sheet

WPILIB Cheat Sheet

Project Structure

  • is the center of the robot code. It is responsible for creating subsystems and bindings for commands.
  • Subystems are directly responsible for their part of the robot. They are the only part of the code with direct access to the motors. They are controlled through commands and functions.
  • Commands manipulate the subsystem and are the only thing that can be bounded to controllers.


Commands can be created in multiple ways.

  • As a class in a dedicated file (example)
  • They can also be created from within a subsystem with or this.runOnce() (example)
  • This can also be run from outside of a subsystem with or Commands.runOnce()
  • By creating a new InstantCommand()
  • additional instructions can be added on with andThen() Commands created in their own class can be used by creating an instance of that class. Commands created with in a subsystem can be returned in a function (example)

Calling Commands

  • Commands can be called by binding them to button on the controllers controller.x().onTrue(arm.Stow());
    • Conditionals can also be added controller.x().and(() -> isSafeToStowArm()).onTrue();
    • They must be boolean suppliers
    • Other triggers like whileTrue() and onFalse() are available.